Dream outing Golden Acre Park


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Dream CIO

Dream is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, charity reg. no1169165.

The objectives of the CIO are:

The promotion of social inclusion among disabled people in the Metropolitan District of Leeds, especially Otley and Yeadon, who are socially excluded from society, or parts of society, as a result of being disabled, in particular but not exclusively by:

Providing a range of activities to disabled people which will enable them to gain confidence and participate in the community; providing information and advice.

What we do to meet our aims.

We provide a weekly meeting point every Monday afternoon between 1.30 - 3.30 p.m. During the meeting we pass on information of interest to disabled people / support workers / carers and volunteers. This may be from what is on at the theatre to disability related information / events.

We then provide a different activity every week ranging from arts / craft sessions, meals / trips out, well being sessions and speakers on a variety of subjects.

Please see the programme section of the website for our 2020 programme.

The group is user led and plan each year for the following year's events.

Why Support DREAM.

DREAM works to improve the health and wellbeing of disabled people living in North West Leeds. We do this by creating opportunities for disabled people to remain independent and remain socially involved in their community.
As a user led not for profit, community organisation, DREAM is dependent on financial support from individuals as well as applying for community grants. We do not receive any funding from Leeds City Council or Adult Social Care.
We would welcome any size donation to enable our vital work to continue.

How you can help
Become a patron of DREAM by sponsoring costs for members to attend DREAM every week. £20 a year could go towards enabling a member to access our transport every week or pay for room hire.

Standing order
Some friends of DREAM have been kind enough to set up a monthly standing order. This is fantastic as we know how much money we have coming in each month.

You can make a donation to DREAM by cash,cheque, or through our local giving page at localgiving.com/dreamnwleeds. Please contact Brenda on 07735 616 253 to discuss this if you are interested.

Gifts in lieu of flowers
Several families of DREAM members have gifted money to DREAM in lieu of flowers at their loved ones funeral.
This is a touching gift and apart from making a financial difference to our project it means so much to us. If this is something you would like to consider then please contact Brenda on 07735 616 253 or email info@dreamleeds.org.uk

Our objectives are to provide social activities/ opportunities for the benefit of the disabled community in North West Leeds. 

Our project is designed to relieve social  isolation, promote health and well-being, re-establish a feeling of self worth, relieve boredom and promote independence and improve mental health.

Initial Home Visits

We offer an initial home visit when new people join DREAM.


Sponsored by Simon & Isabel Hunt.

Donate to DREAM



Disability Recreation Education Advisory Meetings

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